Sunday, May 23, 2010

While I was trying to figure out some settings for my camera to take the star streak picture, I came across a tutorial about taking static star pictures. I figured I'd give it a try. This is my picture of the Milky Way Galaxy from my house. A little grainy but, not bad for a first try. Expect to see more of these in the future. Camera Stats for anyone interested in trying: 6 sec exposure, F3.4, ISO 3200, noise reduction off, d-lighting off.

Friday, May 14, 2010


I wanted to try something different for my 200th picture. This is my first attempt at star streaks and it did not go smoothly. I sat outside for 1 hr before I realized that the settings on my camera were wrong and it hadn't really been taking the picture. So I scaled back for this shot, which represents a 35 minute exposure instead.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Yes, I like thunderstorms. This one in particular is cool with the clear rotation or twisting look in the left side of this picture.

Thursday, May 06, 2010

Every spring, right before they plant the years crops, the field around here are filled with these yellow flowered plants. I'm not sure if they're a weed or are planted to preserve the soil until they plow, but they make for some pleasant scenery. I've been wanting to take some pictures of them for 3 years, but find that I always wait just a little too long. It was almost the case this year, but after some thorough searching, I was able to find a couple fields still in bloom.

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Lightning from the same storm. One bolt shattered a tree next to our house, but I didn't get it on film.

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

HOORAY! It's lightning season again! This picture was taken during a particularly electrical storm last weekend. Unfortunately, I didn't get a lot of good pictures because it was so intense, I was hunkered down trying to keep safe during the height of the storm.

Monday, May 03, 2010

I wanted to take some pictures of some of the fields around here. However, some thunderstorms moved through and didn't let me get out until later than I wanted. It allowed for me to get some cool shots of some of the clouds.