Monday, August 29, 2011

Captured the end of the monarch butterfly life-cycle in this shot as it's being consumed by a common garden spider. 180 mm, ISO 200, F/13, 1/6 sec exposure.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

This is a different monarch butterfly caterpillar. I used the diagonal line created by the leaf as a guide while cropping. 300 mm, ISO 200, F/13, 1/3 sec exposure.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

I saw one of these monarch butterfly caterpillars the other day by our ponds and finally got down there with my camera recently. I often times have trouble producing a really sharp image of small objects and this one was not different. However, I did reduce the aperature to increase the depth of field and it seem to make things slightly sharper. 300 mm, ISO 200, F/13, 1/15 sec exposure.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Looked, but couldn't figure out what kind of flowers these were. I found them near a pond. 300 mm, ISO 200, F/13, 1/5 sec exposure.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Same location, different storm. This one occurred a little earlier in the day so a higher aperature setting and less exposure. 18 mm, ISO 200, F/5.6, 20 second exposure.

Friday, August 12, 2011

This is the last photo I got of this storm. I decided not to crop this one so that the whole storm can be seen. 26 mm, ISO 200, F/4, 16.6 sec exposure.

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

More lightning from the storm. 28 mm, ISO 200, F/4, 24.6 sec exposure.

Monday, August 08, 2011

Sometimes I get lucky and the storms come to me. This storm developed 10 - 20 miles southeast of our house and gave quite a show. All I had to do was go outside. Plus I had the added benefit of being too far away to get killed by my subject. 26 mm, ISO 200, F/4, 25.3 sec exposure.